Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Featured Photo Shoot

I am so terribly behind on my's been 2 months! In my defense, however, I have been extremely busy. Then last week I was sick and fell behind on editing client photos. I'm just about caught up though and ready to take on more. One of the recent shoots that I just completed editing was for a high school senior. Senior portraits are my favorite because senior year is such an exciting time in a young adult's life...the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another; plus they're just fun. Cassandra was absolutely fabulous to shoot! I have been anxious to get these up and blog them. She is such a beautiful girl...looks like Kim Kardashian and knows just how to pose for the camera. Because there were so many I wanted to post and becasue blogger is SOOOO SLOW to upload...I have attached the link to my Featured Photo Shoot gallery. This is something new that I am doing and will be changing out from time to time. I did not place all of her photos in the gallery, as there were so many. Oh, I don't want to forget to thank Taverna for allowing us to shoot in their restaurant. Cassandra is planning to attend culinary school when she graduates and wanted some photos of her in her chef's coat in a kitchen/restaurant setting. THANK YOU TAVERNA FOR SUPPORTING OUR SENIORS and GOOD LUCK CASSANDRA!

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